martes, 14 de junio de 2022

English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has been quite pleasant, since I have remembered many things that I had forgotten, although last year I had a teacher who taught classes in a very monotonous and boring way, but this year it has been much better, especially because of the teacher's way of teaching by making us interact and participate in the classes, it seems to me that I learn much easier that way.

The use of blogs seems to me a good way to practice the language and learn about new concepts and words in English, we can also know the interests of the other classmates by reading what they blog. We can also get to know ourselves better, since we ask ourselves questions about situations or topics that perhaps we would never have questioned ourselves before.

The aspects that I need to improve in my English are pronunciation and, above all, understanding when I listen. To improve the pronunciation, many times I enter the words in the translator and press the audio, so I can repeat the word pronouncing it correctly. On the other hand, regarding the second aspect that I mentioned, I could improve it by watching movies or listening to music in English but with subtitles, either in English or in Spanish, to understand what I hear.

Apart from English classes, I don't use this language much, only to blog, since I don't have contact with people who speak English, but many times when I watch tiktok, I see videos in English and I try to understand what they say.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2022

Changes in my study program

 I am a Psychology student at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile and I will present the main changes that could or should be made.

Regarding the study plan, I consider that the subjects are fair and necessary, with the exception of the transversal ones, which are something extra where communication is worked on, which most of us already know and practice in each branch, so for me they are unnecessary and only add more academic load.

The academic load that we have is quite high, and I would like it to be reduced, or for there to be a greater organization between the teachers of the different subjects, so that we do not have so many evaluations in a row in a week or a day, in addition to being in face-to-face classes. free time to do work is less. The duration of the studies, 5 years, I would not change it, but I would add more practice, not just theory.

I think that the infrastructure is what most needs changes and fixes, since the faculty is not fully adapted to the face-to-face modality, there are inactive casinos, there are rooms that cannot be enabled because they are too small for so many students.

The use of technology is good, since we have online platforms such as ucursos, which help us to develop jobs and tests in a comfortable way.

Finally, the teaching methods used by teachers seem good to me, but they could improve by making the classes more didactic and interactive, although there are teachers who do it that way, there are others who only talk and show slides.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

My trip to the future

 I would like to travel to the future, since I would be a more mature and fulfilled person, and my economic and work life would be stable. In addition, I will be able to know which people will continue to accompany me until that time, making me value them even more in the present.

I would like to go to the year 2030, since probably by that time, having finished my studies and working as a psychologist for 5 years, I will have saved enough to take a trip that I have dreamed of for a long time. The trip would be to Norway, with the aim of appreciating the northern lights, since they have always caught my attention and I consider them a magical event of nature. In addition, I really like the beautiful landscapes that this country has and its cold climate.

I would not like to stay in that time, I would just like to live that experience, since to become the person I will be, I must live and enjoy the whole process, I would also lose many years and experiences of my youth. I would like to live everything that I have to live, both the good and the bad things, since from all of that I will form myself as the person I will be for the rest of my life, in addition to the fact that everything is knowledge. , and even from mistakes you can learn and gain strengths.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2022

My dream job

The type of job I would like to have would be clinical psychology, I would like to have my own psychological practice, but I would prefer to work with groups of psychologists, since in this way each one could learn things that perhaps are unknown to us. , or generate a complete and supportive community. In addition, I would dedicate part of my time to go to the most vulnerable places and provide free psychological help to people who do not have the necessary resources.

I imagine reviewing each case of my patients, and progressively helping these people, feeling that all the effort I am currently making to finish my degree has been worth it.

I will need many skills that I still have to learn, since I am only in 2nd year, but I think the most important thing is to have empathy for others, the ability to analyze and solve problems and, above all, to work on my sensitivity. to cases that can affect me a lot, since I am a person who puts himself in the place of others very easily.

I'm not sure what my salary would be, but coming out of a good state university like the University of Chile will give me better job opportunities.

I am studying psychology, I really like it, but later I would like to be a personal trainer, and maybe merge both things, since they are my great passions. In addition, in this way it could also help people psychologically, since exercise has many benefits for our mental health, since we release endorphins and serotonin that give us happiness and stability, we also work on our self-esteem.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2022

My best Vacation

 My best vacation was in the winter of last year. I went to el tabo beach for a week. I did this trip with my parents, my sister and her boyfriend, my boyfriend, my cousin, and the last days my uncles arrived.

It was a trip full of experiences, in the first cabin that we rented, many paranormal things happened to us, such as strange noises, shadows, etc. but we were always accompanied, so we were not very afraid. We did many fun things, we played ball on the beach, we went out to eat at restaurants, we had bonfires, sleepovers, we cooked delicious things and we went to spend the nights on the shores of the beach.

I think that those were the best vacations, essentially because of the company, there was never a lack of laughter and good times. I would repeat that wonderful week a thousand times, I also feel that any place outside of Santiago is better and it gives me peace to breathe another air.


miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

A Country i would like to visit: Alemania

One of the countries that I would like to visit is Germany, since I love the beautiful landscapes that are found there, it is also a country with a lot of history.

What I know about Germany is that it has many tourist attractions, such as castles, the Berlin Wall, Gothic-style churches, and beautiful forests, rivers, and mountains. Also, I know that in Germany veganism is constantly on the rise, therefore there are many such products and restaurants.

In Germany I would like to visit the main tourist attractions, explore nature and forests, I would also like to eat a lot of typical but veganized food and consume hallucinogenic mushrooms, since they are legal in Amsterdam.

I would love to live in that beautiful country, but I would do it after finishing my degree in Chile, working for a few years, saving enough and at the same time learning German. Then I would dedicate myself to being a psychologist there.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

Basic Learning Processes

The subject that I liked studying corresponds to the Basic Learning Processes, since they teach me about the stimuli that influence each feeling or action that we carry out in everyday life.

I enjoy it, because the teachers transmit the knowledge to me in a very clear and precise way, through easy-to-understand examples and videos.

I have learned very interesting things, such as classical and operant conditioning, which explain the association of different stimuli, which make us feel something or perform certain actions. In addition, they taught me about fears and phobias, which must be treated through exposure therapy, that is, they make you face the cause of that fear in various contexts.

Before studying it, I thought it would be more boring and it would not appeal to me as much, I just thought that they would teach me about learning theory, but in the end I really liked this subject and the teachers' way of teaching. . I hope to continue learning about these topics as they are very interesting.

English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has been quite pleasant, since I have remembered many things that I had forgotten, although...