domingo, 5 de junio de 2022

Changes in my study program

 I am a Psychology student at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile and I will present the main changes that could or should be made.

Regarding the study plan, I consider that the subjects are fair and necessary, with the exception of the transversal ones, which are something extra where communication is worked on, which most of us already know and practice in each branch, so for me they are unnecessary and only add more academic load.

The academic load that we have is quite high, and I would like it to be reduced, or for there to be a greater organization between the teachers of the different subjects, so that we do not have so many evaluations in a row in a week or a day, in addition to being in face-to-face classes. free time to do work is less. The duration of the studies, 5 years, I would not change it, but I would add more practice, not just theory.

I think that the infrastructure is what most needs changes and fixes, since the faculty is not fully adapted to the face-to-face modality, there are inactive casinos, there are rooms that cannot be enabled because they are too small for so many students.

The use of technology is good, since we have online platforms such as ucursos, which help us to develop jobs and tests in a comfortable way.

Finally, the teaching methods used by teachers seem good to me, but they could improve by making the classes more didactic and interactive, although there are teachers who do it that way, there are others who only talk and show slides.

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