lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

Basic Learning Processes

The subject that I liked studying corresponds to the Basic Learning Processes, since they teach me about the stimuli that influence each feeling or action that we carry out in everyday life.

I enjoy it, because the teachers transmit the knowledge to me in a very clear and precise way, through easy-to-understand examples and videos.

I have learned very interesting things, such as classical and operant conditioning, which explain the association of different stimuli, which make us feel something or perform certain actions. In addition, they taught me about fears and phobias, which must be treated through exposure therapy, that is, they make you face the cause of that fear in various contexts.

Before studying it, I thought it would be more boring and it would not appeal to me as much, I just thought that they would teach me about learning theory, but in the end I really liked this subject and the teachers' way of teaching. . I hope to continue learning about these topics as they are very interesting.

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