jueves, 28 de abril de 2022

My dream job

The type of job I would like to have would be clinical psychology, I would like to have my own psychological practice, but I would prefer to work with groups of psychologists, since in this way each one could learn things that perhaps are unknown to us. , or generate a complete and supportive community. In addition, I would dedicate part of my time to go to the most vulnerable places and provide free psychological help to people who do not have the necessary resources.

I imagine reviewing each case of my patients, and progressively helping these people, feeling that all the effort I am currently making to finish my degree has been worth it.

I will need many skills that I still have to learn, since I am only in 2nd year, but I think the most important thing is to have empathy for others, the ability to analyze and solve problems and, above all, to work on my sensitivity. to cases that can affect me a lot, since I am a person who puts himself in the place of others very easily.

I'm not sure what my salary would be, but coming out of a good state university like the University of Chile will give me better job opportunities.

I am studying psychology, I really like it, but later I would like to be a personal trainer, and maybe merge both things, since they are my great passions. In addition, in this way it could also help people psychologically, since exercise has many benefits for our mental health, since we release endorphins and serotonin that give us happiness and stability, we also work on our self-esteem.

1 comentario:

  1. I´m not entirely sure, but i think there is a specialization on sports psychology, so you could fullfill both of your dreams!


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