lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

My trip to the future

 I would like to travel to the future, since I would be a more mature and fulfilled person, and my economic and work life would be stable. In addition, I will be able to know which people will continue to accompany me until that time, making me value them even more in the present.

I would like to go to the year 2030, since probably by that time, having finished my studies and working as a psychologist for 5 years, I will have saved enough to take a trip that I have dreamed of for a long time. The trip would be to Norway, with the aim of appreciating the northern lights, since they have always caught my attention and I consider them a magical event of nature. In addition, I really like the beautiful landscapes that this country has and its cold climate.

I would not like to stay in that time, I would just like to live that experience, since to become the person I will be, I must live and enjoy the whole process, I would also lose many years and experiences of my youth. I would like to live everything that I have to live, both the good and the bad things, since from all of that I will form myself as the person I will be for the rest of my life, in addition to the fact that everything is knowledge. , and even from mistakes you can learn and gain strengths.

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