lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021

My favorite Piece of technology

 My favorite Piece of technology is my cellphone, because it is very useful for all the activities that I do in my daily life. I use it mainly as a means of communication with my social ties, to do university work, to listen to music while I exercise, to watch and interact on social networks and to entertain myself.

But, I have a lot of difficulty concentrating, so the only inconvenience that my cell phone causes me is that it distracts me a lot, but I have been working on it and I try not to take it when I have to do important things.

I recommend the use of cell phones, as long as it is in a positive way, as a tool that encourages productive activities. I say this, as cell phones often become an addiction for some people, distracting them from activities that are much more important.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

My Vocation

When I was a child, I really liked animals and wanted to be a veterinarian, but over the years, psychology caught my attention. 

When deciding which career to study, I had 3 options, sociology, psychology and nutrition, but I decided on psychology, since I really like helping and listening to people, also, I took into consideration that in Chile, the mental health of the population it is very precarious, so I would like to help strengthen it and raise awareness of  it is great importance.

So far, my experience at the university has been good and interesting, I like my career more and more, but I wish there was less academic overload. 

When I finish studying Psychology, I would like to work in the clinical area in a psychiatric hospital.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

My autobiography - Who i am?

     My name is Catalina Paz, i was born on April 3, 2003 in Santiago, Chile, and my zodiac sign is aries. I attended elementary school in "Christian and Caren School", in Cerro Navia. In 2015, I changed to the high school "Javiera Carrera" in Santiago, I graduated in 2020, and this year I entered to the University of Chile to study psychology. 

     My mother's name is Griceria, my father's name is Jaime, and they are both 44 years old. I have only one sister, her name is Valeria, she is 22 years old and studies computer engineering. 

     Most of my day consists of studies. It is very hard to find time for myself, but when I do get the chance to have some extra time, I have many other activities I enjoy doing. A few of my favorites hobbies are weight training, cooking vegan food, watching movies and series with my boyfriend, and listening to music.

English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has been quite pleasant, since I have remembered many things that I had forgotten, although...