lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021

My favorite Piece of technology

 My favorite Piece of technology is my cellphone, because it is very useful for all the activities that I do in my daily life. I use it mainly as a means of communication with my social ties, to do university work, to listen to music while I exercise, to watch and interact on social networks and to entertain myself.

But, I have a lot of difficulty concentrating, so the only inconvenience that my cell phone causes me is that it distracts me a lot, but I have been working on it and I try not to take it when I have to do important things.

I recommend the use of cell phones, as long as it is in a positive way, as a tool that encourages productive activities. I say this, as cell phones often become an addiction for some people, distracting them from activities that are much more important.

4 comentarios:

  1. It's true! Sometimes it is an adicction :c

  2. It is a great invention, but unfortunately the mobile phone generates a terrible dependency ;c

  3. the cellphone havs many functions, but it is true that it is very easy to get distracted.


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