martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

A food I really like.

It is very difficult to choose the food that I like the most, but I could say that it is the sushi of the local Yasai Vegan Sushi, it is one of the best I have tried and I love it, I highly recommend it!

Some are prepared with breaded mushrooms or tofu, avocado, roasted paprika, carrots, various vegetables, rice and vegan cream cheese. There are some rolls that are fried and are delicious, they also include a passion fruit sauce that is exquisite. I really like these sushis, because I love the combination of flavors they achieve, for me it is perfect.

But on the other hand, it is not very healthy, since it contains a lot of fat due to the cheese and the oil for frying, therefore, it is a food that I eat from time to time.



English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has been quite pleasant, since I have remembered many things that I had forgotten, although...